The Wing conducts various evaluation studies of the programmes implemented for the development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the State. Specially, programs under the Tribal Sub Plan, Scheduled Caste Sub Plan and other development schemes are studied for analyzing the feasibility of such programmes and reports are submitted to Government so as to render the programmes implemented more meaningfully and according to the felt needs, skill and cultural background of the target population. Current issues related to the development of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes population is also given due care and quick spot studies are also attempted by this Wing in those matters that need urgent action. Studies proposed by Central Government are also conducted. An experienced team of works together in the Wing for a comprehensive analysis of the policies and its implementation pertaining to development of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribe communities.


Studies undertaken during 2021-22



Amongst the Scheduled Tribe Communities in Kerala,thehighest number of people died due to Covid-19 Pandemic is in Wayanad district (90 deaths). This study is a case study of the socio economic changes that have occures amongst the Scheduled Tribes of Wayanad district after the Covid -19 Pandemic.

Studies undertaken during 2019-20 & 2020-21

A study on Traditional Agriculture, Social life and problems facing the Scheduled Tribe communities of Attappady area in Palakkad district.


The main objectives of this study is to document the traditional agriculture practices of tribal area and to understand the social and cultural life of Irular, Mudugar and Kurumbar communities. The study also focused on the present status and problems facing the traditional agriculture communities in Attappady area. The study also suggest some recommendations for improving the traditional agriculture among Scheduled Tribes.


Evaluation study of state TSP funds and Central Ministries TSP project for period 2015-16, 2016- 17, 2017-18 in randomly selected villages in few tribal majority districts.


The study evaluated the utilization of TSP funds (both central and state) in selected twelve villages (three villages from each district) in Kasaragod, Wayanad, Idukki and Palakkad districts, the tribal majority districts of Kerala. Also the study reveals the outcomes of the development interventions in the areas of infrastructure, livelihood, educations, human resource development etc.


The Efficacy of Kudumbasree activities on the Scheduled Tribe communities of Kerala


The study analysed the role of Kudumbasree in the women empowerment programme of Scheduled tribes and to examine the attitudinal changes of ST women.


A study on educational backwardness of Paniyan Community of Wayanad


This study focussed on the reason behind drop out at primary, high school and higher secondary levels of Paniyan students of Wayanad district.This study suggests remedial measures to overcome the drop out rates.


A Study on the Socio Economic Status of Less Populated Scheduled Tribe Communities of Kerala


This study provides a brief description of the Socio economic status of Kudiya/Melekudi, Wayanad Kadar, Malapanickar, Thachanadan Moopan communities and identified the human development resources of the four communities


Monograph of PVTG’s of Kerala


This study aims to describe the holistic study of culture of five PVTG’s of Kerala namely Kattunaykan, Cholanaickan, Kadar, Kurumbar and Koraga. This includes material culture(dress, ornamants), settlement pattern, livelihood activites, life cycle rituals(birth, puberty, marriage,death),religious beliefs and development initiatives .

Studies undertaken during 2017-18

Evaluation of PVTG project


Main objective of this study is to evaluate the direct and indirect impact of the PVTG project implemented by Scheduled Tribe Development Department. Participation of Community, quality of construction and effectiveness of programmes were evaluated in this study.


The Impact of Forest Right Act on the Scheduled Tribe Communities of Kerala- A Study of Wayanad District.


The study has been conducted in Wayanad district . The study evaluates the merits and demerits in implementation levels of Forest Right Act in Wayanad district.


A comparative study on the micro-level impacts of Development programmes implemented among the Kurichya and Paniya tribes of Wayanad District, Kerala


The study provides knowledge about the impact of various developmental schemes on infrastructure, education and socio-economic status of Kurichiyan and paniyan communities of Wayanad. This study also attempted the socio economic disparities between Kurichiyan and paniyan communities.


Preparation of operation Manual for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Promoters


Prepared separate manuals for effective performance of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled tribe promoters working under the grass root level.


Documentation of Ritual and Customs of Scheduled Tribe Communities of Kerala


The study has been conducted in Wayand district. There are five tribal communities viz, Mullukuruman, Paniyan, Adiyan, Vettakuruman and Thachanadan Mooppan were selected. The main objective of the study was to document the rituals and customs of communities.


Evaluation Study onTribal Resettlement and Development Mission (TRDM)- Problems and Challenges


The main objective of the study was to analyze the problems related to tribal resettlement and development. Quality of land, irrigation , agriculture Housing, infrastructure and adaptation in the resettled land are covered in this study.


Preparation of Primer in the Language of the ST paniyan and kattunaykan communities of the State of Kerala


The main aim and objective of this study was to protect the endangered tribal languages such as Paniya and Kattunayka Communities of wayand district by preparing a suitable Primer. In this study the main focus was taken over tribal languages and enchancing the intellectual and numeric abilities through different thematic activities. This study was mainly aimed on students among Anganawadi, First and Second standards.


Preparation of descriptive Grammar of the Muduga and Kurumba Language spoken at Attappady, palakkad


The study on descriptive grammar of languages spoken by Muduga and Kurumba tribal communities of Attappady in Palakkad district . The data for the study mainly collected from different places like vittiyur, Mele Abannur, Thazhe Abannur, Gottiyarkandi and Aanavayi. As grammar is an essential part of language, this study will surely help the children of the tribal communities in Attappady and their teachers to gain language skills.


Preparation of a Dictionary of Tribal languages Volume II


This study includes the preparation of Dictionaries of Paniya, Kurumba and Malaipandaram languages of the communities of Wayanad, Palakkad, Kollam and Pathanamthitta districts. Descriptive analytivcal methodology was used in it for data collection. This study will provide a comprehensive understanding of the terminologies of that particular language.


Preparation of Research Publication Series Volume VII Part I and Part II (First Book consists of Grammar of Urali, Kanikkar and Dictionary of Adiyan communities and Second book consists of Padavalis of the languages of Kattunaykan Paniyan and Koraga communities)


The study envisaged completing in two books. These studies consist on the Grammar of the language of Urali tribes of Idukki district and Kani language of Kanikkar Community of Trivandrum district and also Dictionary of the language of Adiyan Community of Wayanad district and Padavalis which includes the languages of Kattunaykan and paniyan communities of Wayanad, Koraga Community of Kasaragod district. These studies will provide a valuable insight in to the grammar, Dictionary and Padavalies of various tribal Communities.

The Wing conducts various evaluation studies of the programmes implemented for the development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the State. Specially, programs under the Tribal Sub Plan, Scheduled Caste Sub Plan and other development schemes are studied for analyzing the feasibility of such programmes and reports are submitted to Government so as to render the programmes implemented more meaningfully and according to the felt needs, skill and cultural background of the target population.. Current issues related to the development of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes population is also given due care and quick spot studies are also attempted by this Wing in those matters that need urgent action. Studies proposed by Central Government are also conducted. An experienced team of Anthropologists, Sociologists, Statisticians, Linguists and Cartographer works together in the Wing for a comprehensive analysis of the policies and its implementation pertaining to development of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribe communities.


Studies undertaken during 2017-18

Evaluation of PVTG project
Main objective of this study is to evaluate the direct and indirect impact of the PVTG project implemented by Scheduled Tribe Development Department. Participation of Community, quality of construction and effectiveness of programmes were evaluated in this study.

The Impact of Forest Right Act on the Scheduled Tribe Communities of Kerala- A Study of Wayanad District.
The study has been conducted in Wayanad district . The study evaluates the merits and demerits in implementation levels of Forest Right Act in Wayanad district.

A comparative study on the micro-level impacts of Development programmes implemented among the Kurichya and Paniya tribes of Wayanad District, Kerala
The study provides knowledge about the impact of various developmental schemes on infrastructure, education and socio-economic status of Kurichiyan and paniyan communities of Wayanad. This study also attempted the socio economic disparities between Kurichiyan and paniyan communities.

Preparation of operation Manual for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Promoters
Prepared separate manuals for effective performance of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled tribe promoters working under the grass root level.

Documentation of Ritual and Customs of Scheduled Tribe Communities of Kerala
The study has been conducted in Wayand district. There are five tribal communities viz, Mullukuruman, Paniyan, Adiyan, Vettakuruman and Thachanadan Mooppan were selected. The main objective of the study was to document the rituals and customs of communities.

Evaluation Study onTribal Resettlement and Development Mission (TRDM)- Problems and Challenges
The main objective of the study was to analyze the problems related to tribal resettlement and development. Quality of land, irrigation , agriculture Housing, infrastructure and adaptation in the resettled land are covered in this study.

Preparation of Primer in the Language of the ST paniyan and kattunaykan communities of the State of Kerala
The main aim and objective of this study was to protect the endangered tribal languages such as Paniya and Kattunayka Communities of wayand district by preparing a suitable Primer. In this study the main focus was taken over tribal languages and enchancing the intellectual and numeric abilities through different thematic activities. This study was mainly aimed on students among Anganawadi, First and Second standards.

Preparation of descriptive Grammar of the Muduga and Kurumba Language spoken at Attappady, palakkad
The study on descriptive grammar of languages spoken by Muduga and Kurumba tribal communities of Attappady in Palakkad district . The data for the study mainly collected from different places like vittiyur, Mele Abannur, Thazhe Abannur, Gottiyarkandi and Aanavayi. As grammar is an essential part of language, this study will surely help the children of the tribal communities in Attappady and their teachers to gain language skills.

Preparation of a Dictionary of Tribal languages Volume II
This study includes the preparation of Dictionaries of Paniya, Kurumba and Malaipandaram languages of the communities of Wayanad, Palakkad, Kollam and Pathanamthitta districts. Descriptive analytivcal methodology was used in it for data collection. This study will provide a comprehensive understanding of the terminologies of that particular language.

 Preparation of Research Publication Series Volume VII Part I and Part II (First Book consists of Grammar of Urali, Kanikkar and Dictionary of Adiyan communities and Second book consists of Padavalis of the languages of Kattunaykan Paniyan and Koraga communities)
The study envisaged completing in two books. These studies consist on the Grammar of the language of Urali tribes of Idukki district and Kani language of Kanikkar Community of Trivandrum district and also Dictionary of the language of Adiyan Community of Wayanad district and Padavalis which includes the languages of Kattunaykan and paniyan communities of Wayanad, Koraga Community of Kasaragod district. These studies will provide a valuable insight in to the grammar, Dictionary and Padavalies of various tribal Communities.


Studies undertaken during 2019-20 & 2020-21

A study on Traditional Agriculture, Social life and problems facing the Scheduled Tribe communities of Attappady area in Palakkad district.
The main objectives of this study is to document the traditional agriculture practices of tribal area and to understand the social and cultural life of Irular, Mudugar and Kurumbar communities. The study also focused on the present status and problems facing the traditional agriculture communities in Attappady area. The study also suggest some recommendations for improving the traditional agriculture among Scheduled Tribes.

Evaluation study of state TSP funds and Central Ministries TSP project for period 2015-16, 2016- 17, 2017-18 in randomly selected villages in few tribal majority districts.
The study evaluated the utilization of TSP funds (both central and state) in selected twelve villages (three villages from each district) in Kasaragod, Wayanad, Idukki and Palakkad districts, the tribal majority districts of Kerala. Also the study reveals the outcomes of the development interventions in the areas of infrastructure, livelihood, educations, human resource development etc.

The Efficacy of Kudumbasree activities on the Scheduled Tribe communities of Kerala
The study analysed the role of Kudumbasree in the women empowerment programme of Scheduled tribes and to examine the attitudinal changes of ST women.

A study on educational backwardness of Paniyan Community of Wayanad
This study focussed on the reason behind drop out at primary, high school and higher secondary levels of Paniyan students of Wayanad district.This study suggests remedial measures to overcome the drop out rates.

A Study on the Socio Economic Status of Less Populated Scheduled Tribe Communities of Kerala
This study provides a brief description of the Socio economic status of Kudiya/Melekudi, Wayanad Kadar, Malapanickar, Thachanadan Moopan communities and identified the human development resources of the four communities

Monograph of PVTG’s of Kerala
This study aims to describe the holistic study of culture of five PVTG’s of Kerala namely Kattunaykan, Cholanaickan, Kadar, Kurumbar and Koraga. This includes material culture(dress, ornamants), settlement pattern, livelihood activites, life cycle rituals(birth, puberty, marriage,death),religious beliefs and development initiatives .



Studies undertaken during 2021-22

Amongst the Scheduled Tribe Communities in Kerala,thehighest number of people died due to Covid-19 Pandemic is in Wayanad district (90 deaths). This study is a case study of the socio economic changes that have occures amongst the Scheduled Tribes of Wayanad district after the Covid -19 Pandemic.