1 | Adi Anthra |
2 | Adi Dravida |
3 | Adi Karnadaka |
4 | Ajila |
5 | Arunthathiyar |
6 | Ayyanavar |
7 | Baira |
8 | Bakuda |
9 | Bathada |
10 | Bharathar (other than Parathar), Paravan |
11 | Chakkiliyan |
12 | Chamar, Muchi |
13 | Chandala |
14 | Cheruman |
15 | Domban |
16 | Gosangi |
17 | Hasla |
18 | Holeya |
19 | Kadaiyan |
20 | Kakkalan, Kakkan |
21 | Kalladi |
22 | Kanakkan, Padanna, Padannan |
23 | Kavara (Other than Thelugu speaking or Tamil speaking Balija, Kavarai, Gavara, Gavarai, Gavarai Naidu, Baluja Naidu, Gajalu Balija or Valai Chetty) |
24 | Koosa |
25 | Kootan, Koodan |
26 | Kudumban |
27 | Kuravan, Sidhanar, Kuravar, Kurava, Sidhana |
28 | Maila |
29 | Malayan [In the areas comprising the Malabar district as specified by Sub- section (2) of Section 5 of the State Reorganization Act, 1956 ( 37 of 1966 )] |
30 | Mannan, Pathiyan, Perumannan, Vannan, Velan |
31 | Mogar (other than Mogeyar) |
32 | Mundala |
33 | Nalakeyava |
34 | Nalkadaya |
35 | Nayadi |
36 | Pallan |
38 | Pambada |
39 | Paanan |
40 | Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar, Paraya, Paraiya, Parayar |
41 | Pulayan, Cheramar, Pulaya, Pulayar, Cherama, Cheraman, Wayanad Pulayan, Wayanadan Pulayan, Matha, Matha Pulayan |
42 | Puthirai Vannan |
43 | Raneyar |
44 | Samagara |
45 | Somban |
46 | Semman, Chemman, Chemmar |
47 | Thandan |
48 | Thoti |
49 | Vallon |
50 | Valluvan |
51 | Vetan |
52 | Vettuvan, Pulaya Vettuvan (In the areas of erstwhile Cochin state only) |
53 | Nerian |
[ Other than Parathar Paravan]
Majority of the population is distributed in Kaniyambetta, Panamaram, Vellamunda, Edavaka, Thodarnadu, Thavinjal, Thirunelli, Kottathara, Padinjarathara, Thariyode, Pozhuthana, Vengapally Grama Panchayats and Mananthavady, Kalpetta Municipalities in Wayanad District
According to the 2011 Census total population of Kurichiyan in Kerala is 35,171, out of which 17,643 males and 17,528 females. The socio-economic status report of Scheduled Tribe Development Department, 2013 indicates that the total population of the community is 35909, out of which 18,129 males and 17780 females. The Kurichiyan community follows joint family system.
Their taravads are called ‘mittom’. The Kurichiyan are segmented into four subdivisions, viz, Kurichiyan of Wayanad or Jati Kurichiyan, Kunnam Kurichiyan of Kannavam forest, Anchilla Kurichiyan of Thirunelli and Pathiri Kurichiyan. The Kurichiyan are divided into a number of exogamous kulams (clans) like Chelpa, Puthoor, Nellukudiyan, Palodan, Kunnakkole, Maradi, Edathana, Othankolan, Enniyora.
Thalakkal Chanthu, who died a heroic death fighting against British rule along with Pazhassi Raja, was a member of the Kurichiyan community.
Pulippattu is the traditional art form of the community performed by men. Chenda is used during the performance.
Kurumbas are one of the five Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups living in the Attapadi hills of Palakkad district.
The main settlements of the Kurumbar are Anavai, Mele Bhoothayar, Thazhe Bhoothayar, Katukumanna, Galasi, Thudukki, Gotiyarkandi, Thatikund and Murugala.
The community practiced Panchakad krishi (Punam cultivation) in the forest for a long time. Division of duties of the heads in the community is well defined. The Moopan is the head of the ooru (settlement) , a Mannukaran looks after the agricultural matters and a Kuruthala and a Bhandari help them . They are from different clans.
Originally their deities were the natural objects like mountain peaks, prominent trees, rivers etc. The shivarathri festival is celebrated with much significance.
According to the 2011 census, the population of Kurumbar community is 2586, out of which 1302 are males and 1284 are females. The socio-economic status report 2013 of the Scheduled Tribe Development department, the total population of the community is 2251. Out of which are 1128 Males and 1123 females.
The community resides in Palakkad district and its adjoining districts of Tamil Nadu. The generic name is used to denote Malai Malasar, and Nattu Malasar. A history of wandering or semi-nomadic life within the territory is evident in the history of the community. The traditional headman, known as periyathambi decided the movement of the community as he is headman. Head among the females is called Ponnu thalaivi.
The community resides in the Muthalamada village panchayat of Palakkad district.to the 2011 census, the number of Mahamalasars is 154. Among these 71 of them are men and 83 are women. The female, male ratio of Maha Malasar is 1000: 932.
The Malayan are divided into two, Nattu Malayan and Konga Malayan. The ‘Nattu Malayan’ are considered as the natives of the State of Kerala and the 'Konga Malayan' have a history of migration from the forests of Coimbatore District in Tamil Nadu. There is a slight variation in the dialects of Konga Malayan and Nattu Malayan i.e., The Konga Malayan speaks the dialect of Tamil and the Nattu Malayan speaks a dialect of Malayalam. Each clan has its deity among the Konga Malayan, and Karumala Muppan, Mallambara Andan, Nayiyhi Athal, Manakkadamma, and Paliyamma are the clan deities of Konga Malayan, besides Mariyamma who is the traditional goddess of the community. and There is a slight variation in the dialects of Konga Malayan and Nattu Malayan i.e., The Konga Malayan speaks the dialect of Tamil and the Nattu Malayan speaks a dialect of Malayalam. The elder members of the community have an excellent knowledge of agriculture as most of the community members were agricultural labourers in the recent past. The community members also have a good knowledge about the non-timber forest products and their collection.
Thiyyatam is one of the traditional art forms of the community As per the socio-economic status report of Scheduled Tribe Development Department, the total population of the community was enumerated as 5550. As per the 2011 census, the literacy rate of the community is noted as 64.4 The work participation is enumerated as 49.2
The community mainly inhabits Meenachil taluk of Kottayam district and Thodupuzha taluk of Idukki district. Since long, they have been transformed to settled agriculture, It is seen that a sizable portion of their land holdings have been converted to rubber plantations. Commercial crops like pepper, tapioca, etc are replaced by paddy.
The community has four exogamous illams (clans) viz., Vala illam, Enna illam, Mundillam and Puthani illam. The matrilineal rule of succession has now been replaced by a patrilineal system. In the past, their traditional tribal council was headed by the Ponamban (Muppan). The Poonjar Raja used to confer the title Ponamban and give a silver headed cane to the head. Each settlement has its own ritual healer, when required calls on the hill, which means the resident of spirit.
The ritual healer invokes the spirit in the case of sickness. They have some sacred groves, where they will not fire a gun or speak above a breath. They also worship Sastha. Conversion of a section of Mala Arayan to Christianity was initiated as early as 1835.
The population is 34784 (Male 17384 and Female 17400). As per report on socio economic status of Scheduled Tribe Development, their population is 29,399 consisting of 14716 males and 14683 females.
Most of the Mannan community resides in Thodupuzha, Devikulam, Udumbanchola and Peerumedu taluks of Idukki District. Knowledge of agricultural practice particularly related to shifting cultivation is notable.
Internal social division of the community is based on Clans, Aravakudi and Panikudi are the two Clans. They are the only Cephalous tribe in the State, the Head is called by the name Kozhimala Raja Mannan, and a Manthri serves under him. Each settlement is headed by Kanikkaran and Valiya Ulantari and Ilaya Vattam assist him as per the traditional social division of the community.
The community used to practice Annam Vaykka e.i., shifting cultivation. Chama, Ragi, Cholam, Thina, Paddy, Cheeni Kizhangu/Cheenivala are commonly cultivated. The traditional deity of the community is Muththiyamma (Madhura Meenakshi)
The major art form of the community is Aattu performed by men accompanied by instruments like Charal, Chilanka, Moththalam. As per the socio-economic survey conducted by Scheduled Tribe Development Department of Kerala in 2013, the total population of the community was enumerated as 9345. As per the 2011 Census, the total population of the community is 9780 including 4792 males and 4988 females. The sex ratio is 1041 and the literacy rate of the community is noted as 69.3 The work participation rate is enumerated as 53.1.
[Other than Thelugu speaking or Tamil speaking Balija Kavarai, Gavara, Gavarai, Gavarai Naidu, Gajalu Balija or Valai Chetty ]
Traditionally the community was expert in 'Punamkothu’ – a type of shifting cultivation. The community has a thorough knowledge of agricultural activities, as they agricultural labourers for long. The community is subdivided into the two main groups are Kandi and Peringala 14 illoms (clans). As per 2011 census the total population of the community is enumerated as 17,869 of which 8852 are males and 9017 are females. Sex ratio is 1091 females per 1000 males. Their literacy rate is 65.8 percent. And their work participation is 47.7 percent.
[In the areas comprising the malabar district as specified by sub- section (2) of section 5 of the state reorganization act, 1956 ( 37 of 1966 )]