KIRTADS is a Government Research Institute under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development Department, Government of Kerala and functions as a separate Directorate. Its main objective is to carry out research and training that helps to promote development among the Scheduled Communities in Kerala. It also attempts to identify the needs and problems confronting the marginalized section of the population and suggest recommendations to the Government in finding a panacea for their overall development. This was established in the year 1970 as Tribal Research and Training Centre (TR & TC) in a national pattern, which is subsequently got recognized as KIRTADS in 1979 and is working among all the scheduled communities for their development.


Director’s Message



At KIRTADS, our mission is deeply rooted in the commitment to empowering the marginalized and underrepresented communities, particularly the Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Scheduled Castes (SC) in Kerala. Through our dedicated research, training, and development initiatives, we strive to contribute to the social, cultural, and educational upliftment of these communities. Our vision is to be a premier research and knowledge dissemination center that serves as a hub for intellectual pursuits, academic collaboration, and cultural preservation. KIRTADS has always been a center of knowledge, learning, and research with a focus on the unique issues facing these communities. KIRTADS will continue to evolve as a hub for training, research, and cultural promotion, with a specific focus on uplifting the marginalized sections of society.


Dr. S Bindu
Director, KIRTADS