The community lives in the Nilambur and Karulai areas of Malappuram district. Arandan/Aranadan is one of the most numerically smaller communities in the State. As per 2011 Census total population of this community is 283,Males 129 and Females 154. As per the socio economic survey of Scheduled Tribe Development Department total population is 247,out of which 107 males and 140 females. The community observes endogamy at community level with clan exogamy. Clan is known by the name villa.


Internal social structure organisation of the community is characterised by division of duties at different levels, at the settlement level the chemmakkaran settles the disputes, and officiates rituals related to rites of passage. Kalladikaran acts as the priest and healer.


Knowledge of hunting and food gathering and forest produce collection helped for the primary economic activity of the community in the distant past. Important performances of the community are related to the calling back of the dead souls and kaliyattam is performed in order to appease the god.